WordPress Managed Hosting Terms of Service (TOS)

Website Packages

  • Basic – WordPress Managed Hosting

    • The basic package includes 5GB of storage space and traffic limits consistent with a shared server environment.
    • Management of one (1) WordPress website
  • Intermediate – WordPress Managed Hosting

    • The basic package includes 10GB of storage space and traffic limits consistent with a shared server environment.
    • Management of one (1) WordPress website

Service Description

“WordPress Managed Hosting” (hereafter referred to as “the Service”) is a hosting service provided by Third Oak Productions LLC, specifically designed for WordPress websites. The Service focuses on managing the core WordPress files and associated updates.

  1. Service Limitations:

    • The Service will cover the core WordPress files and updates. However, the management and updating of any plugins, themes, WooCommerce, or any other third-party software are not included and are the sole responsibility of the client.
    • Exceeding these limits may result in additional fees.
    • Not included in this service are website backups. Clients are encouraged to maintain regular backups of their websites.
  2. Resource Usage and Limitations:

    • If a client’s website exceeds the above storage or surpasses regular website traffic, additional charges will apply.
    • Additional charges may also apply if the client’s website consumes excessive CPU, RAM, or any other server resources beyond what’s typical for a shared hosting environment.
  3. Additional Services:

    • Clients requiring more extensive services, outside of the scope outlined in this TOS, will be billed at our standard hourly rate. Clients are encouraged to inquire directly about these rates and the scope of services available.
  4. Security:

    • While Third Oak Productions LLC, will manage the server and its underlying software, the security of the client’s website, including plugins and themes, remains the responsibility of the client. We advise clients to regularly update and maintain their website’s security.
  5. Server Management and cPanel Access:

    • Third Oak Productions LLC, will handle the management of the server and all software underneath the WordPress layer.
    • Clients will be granted access to their cPanel account, where they have the freedom to manage any settings and configurations. However, any changes made by the client through cPanel which affects the website’s performance or security will be the sole responsibility of the client.
  6. Termination of Services:

    • Third Oak Productions LLC, reserves the right to suspend or terminate services for any account that violates these terms or is used for illegal, unethical, immoral, or malicious activities.
    • Clients must create a support ticket within seven (7) business days of a renewal date to terminate service.
  7. Changes to Terms:

    • Third Oak Productions LLC, reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. It is the responsibility of the client to regularly check for any changes. Continued use of the service constitutes agreement to the updated terms.
  8. Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability:

    • The Service is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall Third Oak Productions LLC, be liable for any damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether in action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the information on this service.
    • No refunds on hosting.
  9. Governing Law:

    • These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the the State of Florida (USA).
Last updated: Sept. 7th, 2023